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People-ing & Possibilities

You, Your People,  Your Relationships - with Human Design - in context.

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the who, the how and the why...


Exploration, Learning, Questioning, possibility

and consideration of ‘what else’ / the ‘other - for me, came from an intrinsic need to ‘resolve’ and ‘fix’ my being different from those around me.


I fell upon Human Design at some point around 2019 and began my foundational research and learning (unsurprisingly, as a 1/3 projector)

Like many, once I was able to recognise myself within the context of Human Design, I couldn’t un-see it and began to dive in further.

Since then, as I integrate, experiment, and decondition myself, this integration and expansion has been emerging organically within my professional space as a coach, guide, space holder and supporter of humans - The impact is profound.

There are 3 areas in my life this has made a substantial and life altering impression: 1. As a person who is non-sacral it was a revelation to understand about energy types. I am not broken or lazy - I function differently. I often achieve incredible things in seemingly short amounts of time, and, prior to understanding my Human Design, I constantly berated myself for not being able do so routinely nor consistently. 2. As a Projector, who both sees people deeply and yet needs to be invited to share these insights in order for them to be heard, growing up in a Generator World - (roughly 70% of humans has a defined Sacral Centre, creating either Generator, or Manifesting Generator energy) - AND within a family of Manifestors who don’t require invitation to connect - (Manifestors are literally designed to inform); I often felt isolated, invisible and unimportant. This lack of authentic recognition repeated over and over in my life - Human Design gave me context, awareness, and most importantly, a strategy and approach that works for me to be recognised. I am not un-seen; I just showed up in costume. I am not un-heard; I speak a different language. I am not un-loved - I feel recognition differently. 3. Having 7 undefined centres as well as a focused and penetrating aura makes me extremely potent for people, and I don’t have to give this insight away to just anyone. As a person, a partner, and a parent, as well as a coach, mentor, friend, and guide - I see the people in my world, and those that invite me into theirs, deeply, clearly, and wholly - and that is great for my people - but this aura is not for everyone. My tapestry of lived experience has always been woven together through the people I’ve connected with. I’ve learned from, mentored, elevated, been wounded by, wounded, and grown because of these chapters. I’ve been an employer and I’ve been employed; I’ve managed people and I’ve been managed. I’ve had structure, been contracted and been a freelancer, I have worked as consultant on retainer. I have experienced business closure, redundancy, recession AND building a business from the ground up. At my core I am an entrepreneur - the 1/3 Projector in me is here to call out what is no longer working, establish a new foundation and share this insight to have a wider impact through a ripple effect.

My ability to speak on a human level, connect dots and uncover unexplored connections and context (I have lots of Logical, Analytical Circuitry, Mercury in Taurus, an insane ability (within the top 1%) for Pattern Recognition is wild.
I never fail to be surprised at how things come together through powerful conversation, open and honest exploration, and challenge in a safe and non-judgmental space.


Weaving Human Design, Transactional Analysis, Trauma-Awareness (I have a diploma in Therapeutic Coaching as well as an ICF Certified Professional Coaching Diploma) is a game-changer in the coaching relationship and my people have seen powerful and potent awareness within a handful of sessions.


I am practical, but next level - I make things applicable and easy to understand but I don't limit or reduce. I can see outside of the box (deep, high and wide)– seeing things, possibilities, patterns, and ways through that others don’t or can’t.

I’m passionate about how we can elevate and improve systems and want to see positive change – particularly within education and business.


Working with people, whether through Mentoring, Coaching or a blend of both is where I feel most energized and professionally alive.


Ethically I value being an authentic and kind human as much as a safe and trusted professional in the unregulated Coaching Space - I can provide both certification and accreditation, as well as references upon request.


The integration of Human Design in my life and business is what has elevated my own creativity and belonging, allowed freedom, and expanded possibilities - what can it do for you?


With You, Your People & Possibility in focus - if, and when,  you are ready - I look forward to receiving your invitation.





“Thank you for sharing all the HD wisdom & resources with me.

It feels like a layer of protection to have that knowledge & awareness.”

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